You are the boss of the outside world, but at home there is a wife. This may not sound like a lot to many, but for many it is not a lie. Often you can handle many things. But, the mood of the wife? Can't handle. But it's true. Maintaining a wife's mood is not as easy as it seems. Maintaining a wife's mood does not affect the happiness of a man who is well-mannered. But the mood of a wife who is not able to handle her pain has no end. So do this so that you can find a way to make your wife happy.

It's not just that a wife wants big things all the time. Often your wife can be happy with very small things. Such as helping her with a task. E.g. You live on the fifth floor. Your wife is cooking and the milk in the house is gone. If you go down and bring milk with it, it will be a great pleasure.

Not every time a wife is happy to buy expensive gifts, dresses, jewelry, mobiles, tours or something similar. Even when you go home from the office, even if you carry a small alarm, she is happy.

Every wife expects her husband to give her time. Exactly where many people were concerned. She cannot afford to spend time in the office, business, out-of-home stress, responsibilities. But, everyone should take some time for himself and get his wife involved.

Try to admire your wife as much as you can. If you succeed in persuading a wife to admire her, understand that she will act just like you do. Don't possibly treat her as bad. Any wife is very happy to hear her husband's appreciation. (Appreciate her husband's tactics. Otherwise, you will admire the wife of another person. Remember, even if you do it wrongly, the punishment you receive is terrible.) The wife ignores the mistakes you make. If you want happiness in the world, avoid criticizing her maternal congregation. Because she has a special love for Maher's congregations. No matter how small the congregation is.