MALIKAN (SARSA), October 19 (UNI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that we will not allow Pakistan to go to the water and the drug will not come.

He said that if Pakistan's fields were wiped off with Indian water and our country's farmer's fields were dry, it would not run. Pakistan wants to destroy the future of youth by sending drugs to India. The Prime Minister was addressing an election rally held at the cereal market in Malikhan, a village in Sirsa today.

He saluted Sirsa as the land of the beggars, saying that he came here at some point while working in the organization and today he is happy to see the old people. He said that preparations are underway for Guru Nanak Dev's 550th birth anniversary. After the partition of India, our people kept watching Kartarpur Sahib with binoculars. The Congress government could not cover this four-kilometer distance. The BJP government is ending this gap by building a corridor.

He said that the route from Kapurthala to Gobindwal would be named Guru Nanak Road. I had the first meeting in Haryana's Rewari as the Prime Ministerial candidate in 2014 and today I will end the Haryana Assembly election campaign in Rewari.